You want to increase your notoriety and position yourself as a market player against the competition? Benefit from the high exposure provided by the leading safety and homeland security event!

The Unmissable Meeting Place for the Industry
Milipol Paris is the must-attend event for the whole safety and homeland security ecosystem. All major players of the industry will be present during the 4 days of the event. A not-to-be-missed showcase for every company wishing to be known among the competitors. In 2023, Milipol Paris brought together:
- 30,084 visitors from 160 countries (32,000 visitors expected in 2025)
- 175 official delegations from 60 countries
- 221 international journalists
- 1,116 exhibitors from all over the world (1,100+ exhibitors will be there this year)
- 40 speakers and 1,500 attendees to the conferences
3/4 of exhibitors participate in Milipol Paris to increase their notoriety and be visible among the competitors.
Many Events to Highlight your Company
Take advantage of the events organised during Milipol Paris to spread the word about your company:
- Milipol Innovation Awards: A competition to reward the best innovations in several categories
- Exhibitor seminars: A speech about the main assets of your company or your latest innovation, delivered to an interested audience on a dedicated area at the heart of the event: the Innov'Arena.
- Exhibitor demonstrations: A unique opportunity to put your product's capabilities in the spotlight, via a live demonstration on a specific zone of the event: the Demo Arena!
- Visit tours: Several customised tours on specific thematics will be organised for visitors

Many Tools at your Disposal
Milipol Paris provides you with several communication tools to highlight your company:
- Invitations & a mediakit: Announce your participation before the event
- Print and online catalogue: Fill in extra information in your descriptive sheet. Each exhibitor is also listed in several listing (by countries, by activities, etc.)
- Communication tools: Display your logo on the floor plans, on signage, in specific areas of the event, on digital tools, etc.
- Daily news: Publish news from your company in the official event's daily magazine
- Exhibitor press releases: Post your PR on the event website and put hard copies in the press club during the event